Fire rated coating on HVAC Ducts

Most of death in fire situation are caused by smoke inhalation rather then flame burning.non-fire resisting ductwork system allows the initial spread of fire and hot smoke in-between compartants,and further increase of rapid spread of fire and smoke cause injuries and death the correct use of fire resistant ductwork will maintain fire compartmentation and assist in safe dispersal of smoke and hazardous fumes which make it to resist with in a compartment and further not to spread.

Our product has been tested for stability, integrity, and insulation up to 4 hours fire rating since it is a water base point, shall be applied on any shape of the duct and further make comfort to remove and reinstall the same without damaging the applied coating.

Fire-rated coating shall be applied on smoke extract duct at car parking areas, vertical and horizontal shafts, raisers and jet fan connected ducts etc. kitchen ducts shall require a layered of rock wool insulation along with fire-rated coating to keep the temperature between 160 to 180 degree to avoid self-ignition inside the duct .above said products is tested in accordance with BS 476 part 22-24 and UL standards.